Today's VERSE : Psalms 20:7 - UCCP Ugalingan



Sunday, April 7, 2024

Today's VERSE : Psalms 20:7


Some put their faith in carriages and some in horses, but we will be strong in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalms 20:7


In the book of Exodus, we see that the Egyptians were well-equipped with chariots and horses when they pursued the Hebrews. However, after the Lord carved a path through the Red Sea for the Hebrews, the Egyptians tried to cross. They learned, however, that their chariots and horses were no match for the Lord's power. The Lord removed the chariots' wheels, brought the water of the Red Sea together, and submerged chariots, horses, and drivers in the ensuing deluge


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